Marijuana Addiction
and Treatment
To many people, marijuana is not a drug of abuse. Many states have legalized the drug and perhaps more will follow suit. Does this mean it cannot be abused? The answer should be clear: any drug, whether it is illegal, legal, prescribed or over the counter can be abused. If marijuana use is causing problems in your family, relationships, school or work, then you probably need treatment.
Marijuana Abuse Treatment
If you or a loved one are suffering from marijuana dependency, Sober Freedom can help. The number one reason people turn to Sober Freedom for assistance with marijuana addiction is that we’re there for you every step of the way. We help patients from the beginning to the end of the treatment cycle. We offer a round-the-clock hotline for people suffering from marijuana dependency. Don’t wait for the problem to get worse, call our hotline any time, day or night, at (855) 888-0061.
We help our patients get into treatment and help them wade through the complex maze of insurance and/or financing and in the end, help them find a sober living environment if they need a safe place to get their life back on track. Sober Freedom is here to help. Call us today at (855) 888-0061.
Contact Sober Freedom Now
Emerging Trends
The recent boom of marijuana dispensaries pressures growers to increase the THC levels of their crop to compete with other growers. The result is that marijuana is growing in potency faster than ever. Moreover, many people have started to use new methods of bringing the highest possible levels of THC direct to the consumer by way of extracting THC by forcing butane through compressed marijuana. The resulting product is referred to as honey oil, ear wax or hash oil. Few studies have been conducted on the short or long term effects of smoking almost pure THC extracted by using solvents.
Gateway Drug?
Many users deny that marijuana is a gateway drug. But ask people recovering from drug and alcohol abuse and most all will admit they started down their destructive path by smoking marijuana. A recent study at Yale found a correlation between smoking marijuana and abusing prescription drugs. This was not a small study and its results were similar for both males and females aged 18-25. Of the 55,000 plus sampled, marijuana smokers were 2.5 times more likely than their non marijuana smoking counterparts to abuse prescription drugs.
Family and Friends
It may be difficult to convince a loved one that they have a problem with marijuana. They may say it’s legal or that it’s less harmful than other drugs. However, the facts of their life and behavior speak for themselves. If they are acting differently, missing work and/or school, if they no longer find enjoyment in the things they used to, then they most likely have a problem. If you are having a difficult time convincing your loved one of the harm they are doing to themselves, call Sober Freedom at (855) 888-0061. Not only do we offer treatment for marijuana abuse, but we also offer family intervention services.
Effects of Marijuana Abuse
The short term effects of marijuana are impaired memory, poor coordination and changes in perception of time, vision and hearing. What may come as a surprise is that marijuana use increases heart rate for about one hour after its use. Depending on the amount smoked and the concentration of TCH, some users may experience mild visual and auditory hallucinations. Long term effects of marijuana use include memory impairment as well as heart and lung problems similar to those experienced by long term cigarette smokers.
What Are My Payment Options?
No one suffering from addiction should have to worry about how treatment will be paid for. Treatment is covered by most insurance providers. Paying for marijuana rehab treatment typically comes from insurance. If you have insurance, you’ll be surprised to learn that funding for treatment is readily available and usually encouraged. Call Sober Freedom to discuss treatment options at (855) 888-0061. Our staff will contact the insurance provider to determine eligibility. We will work hard to find a way to get you the help you deserve.
No Insurance? No Problem.
Even if you don’t have insurance you still have options. Sober Freedom maintains a financing option for those without insurance and scholarships are also available. Sober Freedom will work with you hand-in-hand to help you find the way to get treatment paid for. For those suffering from marijuana abuse, paying for treatment should be the last thing they should worry about. We will help you get into treatment . Call us at (855) 888-0061 and start living the life you deserve. We’re here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year..

New Findings

Marijuana and DUI

Chronic Use Effects